
How to Improve Mood Quickly in 15 Simple Steps

If you would like to feel happier, more energized and positive about life read on because this article is for you. Here are 15 strategies on how to improve mood quickly that are designed to energize right away and will have you working on your well-being and self-care over the next 45 minutes.

How to Improve Mood Quickly in 15 Simple Steps exercise

How to Improve Mood Quickly

Begin with Small Steps

It's easier than you think to start doing something right now that will improve mood quickly. Contrary to popular belief you don't have to do a whole lot of big things like change your job, end a relationship or take a holiday to start feeling better and happier about life.

Sometimes you just need to start small and work with what you can do right now to help yourself. Don't forget the basics. After all self-care is the key to feeling happier in general.

Sure all the big decisions will still be there but by working on the smaller steps you will get the ball rolling toward improving your mood right now.

When you start feeling better and happier you will then be more energized to tackle the bigger stuff. Always remember, when stressed or feeling unhappy the best strategy is to increase your self-care. In this way you concentrate on what you can change and take action where you can make a difference.

self-care is key to being happy in life - remember to practice it daily and increase it when you start feeling stressed
Practice self-care daily and increase when stressed

Begin With Self-Forgiveness

Whatever has happened, whatever you've done or not done is already in the past and cannot be changed. So before you begin this 15 Strategies to be happy again exercise there is something important to do and that is forgive yourself.

Just for the next 50 minutes or so allow yourself some peace. Whatever is worrying you put it aside. Right now we are going to focus on the present and let go of what has gone before.

How these Strategies will Help You Right Now

The following simple steps are designed to improve mood and help you feel a greater sense of well-being especially if you have been experiencing some low level depression by:

  • giving you a well-being boost

  • encouraging you to notice the world around you and be present to it

  • encouraging you to connect with yourself

  • inviting you to connect with others

  • decluttering a small area around you

  • getting active

  • learning something new

Do yourself a favor and follow these 15 simple strategies right now to help you feel happier and more focused and energized.

Drink water right now to help energize you and help you to feel happier
Drink 1-2 glasses of water to help ground you. 

15 Ways to Feel Happy Again Exercise (30-40 minutes)

  1. Breathe deeply for 3 minutes

  2. Stand up and do some gentle stretching for 2-3 minutes

  3. Drink 1 to 2 glasses of water

  4. Walk around for 10 minutes preferably in the fresh air.  

  5. Hold your head up while you walk around and put your shoulders back

  6. Try to stay in the present moment and take notice of what's around you.

  7. Smile at someone: a friend, colleague or stranger

  8. Stop and say hello to someone you wouldn't usually talk to much

  9. Drink another glass of water

  10. Make a list of 3-5 things you are grateful for right now

  11. Make a list of the 3 most important tasks to achieve today

  12. Identify one thing you want to start learning preferably recreational but could be work related. Spend 5 to 10 minutes researching it to figure out the first step. Now do the first step. If you can't do it now as it is time consuming make a commitment with yourself to do it later today. Make sure you choose something that will add value to your life but doesn't have to be a big thing. Remember small steps.

  13. Complete a short task (5 minutes max) that you have been putting off (eg phone the dentist, filing)

  14. Choose a small area in your home or work space and declutter it for 3-5 minutes separating items to bin versus items to give away

  15. Phone, text or email a friend and set up a time to get together

  16. Identify an appropriate reward for later (not substances or food related). Some ideas could be books, cosmetics, music, movies etc

How to feel happy again exercise - work through these 15 simple steps to feeling happier qwickly

Congratulations if you just completed steps 1 to 15 plus one extra bonus step. If you have completed these you are already likely to be experiencing a boost in mood.

In these simple steps you have taken care of some fundamental self-care needs and worked on 5 very important strategies for well-being as listed below.

Five Ways to Focus on Well-Being

  • Being active - walking, stretching

  • Connecting - saying hello, contacting a friend

  • Giving: smiling at others, donating

  • Taking Notice: being in the present and aware of your environment

  • Keep Learning:  identifying something new to learn

Get active and move your body to improve sense of well-being and happiness
Get active to improve your sense
of well-being and happiness

Self-Care Strategies Used

Here are some self-care strategies that you have just used in the last 40 minutes: walking, drinking water, deep breathing, identifying priorities, busting procrastination, decluttering a space, developing an attitude of gratitude, rewarding yourself.


This article has explored how to improve mood quickly through an exercise involving 15 strategies to energize, boost well-being and bring your focus on to what is important to you. These 15 simple steps to feeling happier can be easily incorporated into the busiest life. Do yourself a favor and put aside time regularly to follow these steps toward maintaining well-being. By concentrating on achievable small steps you can improve your mood and feel more energized to tackle bigger tasks.

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